Alan N. Shapiro, Hypermodernism, Hyperreality, Posthumanism

Blog and project archive about media theory, science fiction theory, and creative coding

Journal Entry: The Void, by Mary Fox

Baudrillard’s Second Life, by René Capovin

Georges Bataille and Epistemology

The End of Homo Oeconomicus

Data and Baudrillard, by Franco La Polla

The Car of the Future is a Virtual Reality Game Platform

A Critique of the Idea of Neutral Language, by Marc Silver

Inscribe Philosophy into the Heart of Computer Science

Only Impossible Exchange Is Possible, by Aurel Schmidt (translated by Alan N. Shapiro)

In Search of the Child’s Innocence, by Caroline Heinrich (translated by Alan N. Shapiro)

Adolf Portmann on the New Biology, by Gianna Maria Gatti (translated by Alan N. Shapiro)

Merleau-Ponty and Marx on Nature and Art, by Gianna Maria Gatti (translated by Alan N. Shapiro)

Consumer Culture and Naming the Animals, by Alan N. Shapiro

Richard Rorty on Radicalism, Liberalism, and Poetic Language

Star Trek, Marx and Time Travel