Alan N. Shapiro, Hypermodernism, Hyperreality, Posthumanism
Blog and project archive about media theory, science fiction theory, and creative coding
Twenty Basic Principles of a New Green Politics, by Alan N. Shapiro
October 13th, 2012 in the categories: Ecology, Energy, and the Environment
Towards a New Green Politics, by Alan N. Shapiro
October 13th, 2012 in the categories: Ecology, Energy, and the Environment
The Plane of the Future, by Alan N. Shapiro, and Congetture minime sullo spazi-tempo, by Pier Luigi Capucci
July 21st, 2012 in the categories: Future Design
The Car of the Future, by Alan N. Shapiro and Alan Cholodenko
February 15th, 2012 in the categories: Car of the Future, Donna Haraway, Future Design, Gregory Bateson, Marshall McLuhan, Paul Virilio, Real/Virtual Reality
Anticipating the Future through Knowledge of the Fiction in Social Reality, by Alan N. Shapiro
November 17th, 2011 in the categories: Future Design
General Patton Memorial Museum
June 30th, 2011 in the categories: Museum of the Future, War & Peace
Morality in Europe Today
February 5th, 2011 in the categories: Music, University of the Future
Beaubourg, Quai Branly, and the Simulacrum of Jean Baudrillard, by René Capovin
October 23rd, 2010 in the categories: Architecture, Jean Baudrillard
Die Bibliothek der Zukunft – The Library of the Future, von/by Alan N. Shapiro
October 20th, 2010 in the categories: Future Design, Library of the Future
The Car of the Future, folding study, by Nick Pugh
August 5th, 2010 in the categories: Car of the Future, Future Design
The Car of the Future, alternate modes, by Nick Pugh
August 5th, 2010 in the categories: Car of the Future, Future Design
The Car of the Future, detail sketches, by Nick Pugh
August 4th, 2010 in the categories: Car of the Future, Future Design
The Car of the Future, more sketches, by Nick Pugh
July 22nd, 2010 in the categories: Car of the Future
Sketches of the Car of the Future, by Nick Pugh
May 26th, 2010 in the categories: Car of the Future, Future Design
You are currently browsing the archives for the Future Design category.