Alan N. Shapiro, Hypermodernism, Hyperreality, Posthumanism

Blog and project archive about media theory, science fiction theory, and creative coding

Twenty Basic Principles of a New Green Politics, by Alan N. Shapiro

Towards a New Green Politics, by Alan N. Shapiro

The Plane of the Future, by Alan N. Shapiro, and Congetture minime sullo spazi-tempo, by Pier Luigi Capucci

The Car of the Future, by Alan N. Shapiro and Alan Cholodenko

Anticipating the Future through Knowledge of the Fiction in Social Reality, by Alan N. Shapiro

General Patton Memorial Museum

Morality in Europe Today

Beaubourg, Quai Branly, and the Simulacrum of Jean Baudrillard, by René Capovin

Die Bibliothek der Zukunft – The Library of the Future, von/by Alan N. Shapiro

The Car of the Future, folding study, by Nick Pugh

The Car of the Future, alternate modes, by Nick Pugh

The Car of the Future, detail sketches, by Nick Pugh

The Car of the Future, more sketches, by Nick Pugh

Sketches of the Car of the Future, by Nick Pugh

The Car of the Future is a Virtual Reality Game Platform