Alan N. Shapiro, Hypermodernism, Hyperreality, Posthumanism

Blog and project archive about media theory, science fiction theory, and creative coding

Sorcerer’s Apprentice Video Game for the Android Smartphone Platform, Programmed in Java, by Sitha Reis

Generating Sound Art from Java Code, by Anna Semykina

AnatoMe Hypermedia System, by Magdalena Fournillier

Portfolio, by Vanessa Ramster

Software Code as Expanded Narration, by Alan N. Shapiro

Virtual and Physical Geometric Objects with Processing, by Christos Voutichtis

Material Grove 3-D Modeling with Rhinocerus and Grasshopper, by Johannes Wöhrlin

Zaneta’s Welt, by Zaneta Kern

Start Here, by Sarah Mohr

Cool Lab, by Marvin Kirchner

Hypertext Story, by Patrick Brockmann

How Does the Changed Media Environment Influence Young People’s Attention and Education?, by Lena Neumann

Der Stellenwert von Simulationen im Berufsleben, von Melike Iskender

The Paradigm of Object Spaces: Better Software is Coming, by Bernhard Angerer and Alan N. Shapiro

How can we redefine information in the age of social media?, by Alan N. Shapiro